Book Discussion: Act of God

Hello and welcome to The Librarians Suggest! Gina, Sarah, and I are, yep, you guessed it, librarians! Gina is a Teen Librarian, Sarah, a Children's Librarian, and I, Jade, am a Reference/Adult Services librarian. Right now, our plan is to discuss both on the blog and through our podcast about books that are under 250 pages or less. We have a ton of books to get to as it is so we are trying to make it a little easier on ourselves. For now. I'm sure once we get this really going we'll be expanding the episodes/posts to be about other books of all shapes and sizes but I can't tell you when that will be. Our first book that we discussed was Act of God by Jill Ciment. A mold outbreak occurs in the summer heat in Brooklyn and what follows is the devastation this outbreak brings causing the main characters to lose everything they hold dear. It's an exploration of relationships, secrets, what happens when everything breaks down and love. We're on SoundCloud...