Kid's Lit

Two words: Sanjay Patel !!! When I first started researching picture books to add to the library collection my first year on the job, I wrote down goals and guidelines I wanted to follow to make sure our library housed the best picture book collection. It may not be extensive, in fact my list consists of no more than five rules.These days, it's hard to get kids to read books! They would rather play their video games or interact with the tablets glued to their hands. With all the amazing graphic design programs there are, it's no wonder why visual story telling has taken the place over text. That is why my first rule revolves around high quality illustration. Finding stories full of rich and powerful illustrations as well as warm inviting colors, this is the first thing I take note of when looking through books when I'm ready to start acquiring material to add to the collection. How well do the depictions tell the story, what stands out in the pictures? These ...